Monday 14 May 2012

What I am learning about Blogging and Social Media

To the Team SME Owners in Sa

I have only been using  SM as a part of my communication plan for a few months now, here's what I have come up with, you may find it of interest.
So I did some research, says that there are over 200million blogs in cyberspace, with 54% of bloggers posting content or tweeting daily, so a very, very competitive market! On techprone website, global stats for 2010, 152milloin blogs where posted on the net.
SM must be part of your, our strategy but it needs focus because it can and does take up a lot of Your Time, and as the saying goes time is money.
Recently I posted on various Linkedin groups, something along these lines, "Is social media worth the ROE, return on effort", I had some interesting views.

So for YOU ,us to get better results, content needs to be relevant, level of comments, interaction, the size of the platform you are on, ie Linkedin has approximately 158million users.

Also a good read Strategic Marketing mag from IMM.

Till next time may the Force be with you, I am your silent partner helping you work on your business

Guy Daines                             You wish to view
also on Linkedin           

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