Sunday, 22 July 2012

SME's and "The New Economy"

To SME Owners,

I am doing on going research into CHANGE and ADAPTABILITY, and what does this really mean to SME business's and how critical is it, we all here that it is a key factor!
So for this post, I have gone back through the workshops that I have run over the past 15 years.
     Here is one I did in NOVEMBER 2001, titled The New Economy,(2001-2010) seven areas were covered, you tell me if they are still applicable today!
      Knowledge, of the business owners, the staff, on competitors,
      Technological innovations, but more on the IT systems within sme businesses,
      Staff learning curve,their SPEED of understanding their jobs to perform better,
      The business flexibility and how to adapt,
      Cost reduction, will always be on the agenda,
      Investment in human capital, the right staff in the right positions, staff training,
      Productivity levels of staff,

Yep looking at the above now, how important are the undermentioned, that I stated as, issues, trends for sme's in 2012, to name a few,

     Social media and ROE(return on effort)
     Financial information (up to date)
     Leadership/Management style(culture)
     Quality of b2b relationships
Till next time may the Force be with you, I am your silent partner helping you work on your business.

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