To the TEAM, SME Owners in SA
For 30 years I have been working with, managing and training Sales Managers, in some areas the sales management role has changed , in others it has not, so heres a look at the sales managers body, tongue in cheek look.
His MIND-above average IQ, innovative,open to new ideas, gets to know how his team think.
His EYES-sees opportunities instead of problems.
His NOSE-for smelling out good profitable business.
His MOUTH-great communicator, good at selling his point of view.
His EARS-good listener, seek first to understand, and then be understood,( as per Mr S. Covey)
His CHIN-boxers chin for the hard knocks, does not fall.
His NECK-for sticking it out, but not Mr Reckless.
His SHOULDERS-broad for accepting responsibility.
His HEART-has good emotional IQ, balance of a soft and hard heart.
His STOMACH-must have guts, good gut feel.
His HANDS-can handle, manage a few key accounts.
His LEGS-strong to keep going, moves with speed(does lots of leg press at gym!!)
His FEET-fast and nimble, can adapt to change
His TECHNO Stuff- laptop, ipad, smart phone, webcam, skype and ipod( for motivational listening stuff)
His Knowledge- lots of reading and research, but not information overload.
His WATCH-has great time management, so he does not have to work a 10 hour day, day in and day out
Off to JHB for two days to train sales managers and sales reps, My next blog will focus on Running with your sales Reps.
Till next time may the FORCE be with you, I am your silent partner helping you work on your business.
Guy Daines
Also on Linkedin
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