Tuesday, 24 January 2017

ARE you really, really client driven

To SME Owners

Check out these areas to confirm if you are really, really client driven, may be better to say client focused.

1 Do not be reactive, in a status quo mindset, you will be heading for trouble big time.

2 How do you focus on client satisfaction, repeat business???

3 Is the client a true partner, one that works for win win and who refers business to you.

Go check out your key clients, re the above, interesting, SIMPLE .

Till next time may the Force be with you, I see new Star wars moving coming out in December, fantastic, blog by Kyle Daines

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Your Decision Making

To SME Owners

Yes we make big and small decisions every day running our businesses, many are great, many are
Ask yourself HOW have you made, and make decisions, do you take time to gather every fact possible, or go with your gut.
Here is the trick, those decisions that involve big money, you need to fully understand the RISK LEVELS, but you still must move with SPEED.

I had a client that spent hour after hour for a week deciding on a poor performing staff member,
whether to fire or keep, staff members salary was R10k per month a light weight member of the team.


Till next time may the Force be with you.

Monday, 16 January 2017

SOFT issues vs HARD issues in you SME Business

To SME Owners

We all know the above great time for a refresher, soft issues affect your business more than hard issues, REALLY
1 some soft issues.
- to much politics with staff, between departments
- lack of personal leadership by staff, and or bosses
- negative thinking, and attitudes
to name a few, I have a list of 20 which I coach staff, sme owners on.

2 some hard issues.
- correct sales at the right gp%
- your monthly operating costs
- your cash flow vs profits
- your business assets vs liabilities
 to name a few.

go think about the above, cool
till next time may the Force be with You, post by Kyle Daines.

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

YES 2017, so

To SME Owners

it is time for you to engage VISIONARY BUSINESS and be DISRUPTIVE, in your markets you serve.
I have been slow on my blog , reason finished my book, which did take longer than I thought, yep TIME EFFECTIVE, could, and will be better on my second book.
But back to the two points above, your competitors will disrupt you this year, having Vision, you may be able to pick up on which areas.

Go take time out, now to give this a lot of thought, yes a good time to do it before the roller coaster hits you in Feb and March.

TILL next time may the Force be with you.